
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Amazing inventions - Zero point energy generators

There is far more discussions on energy coming up now more than ever. This may be because of all the talk about having an energy crisis and the recent explosion of a nuclear plant in Fukushima. I see news reports and documentaries constantly that are discussing the energy crisis we are experiencing. Some documentaries are in favor of a nuclear plant with the idea that they scientifically generate more energy than a large amount of solar and wind turbine farms could. You can watch a debate about the pros and cons here. But there are other documentaries that challenge the current idea that we've maxed out our ability to come up with alternative energy sources like Thrive. One of the concepts being presented is a generator that uses magnetic propulsion to create a free never ending energy source that generates a massive amount of energy without using excessive amounts of earths resources or even potentially dangerous nuclear material.
Here is a video and another site that has video and commentary on the subject as well.
 What do you think?
View the other video with info on the collective evolution site.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Natural Fresh Juice- Carrot, Greens and Apple.

Natural Fresh Juice- Carrot, Greens and Apple.

So I got my juicer out today finally and juiced up some yummy fresh and detoxifying juices for me and my little goose. So healthy and so yummy.

I used about 5 whole carrots, 4 large mustard greens leaves, and 4 whole apples.

It was so sweet and delicious I wont hesitate to make it again tomorrow.

To hear a bit about why juicing is important watch the video of Dr. Mercola who explains benefits of juicing. And for more info visit the site HERE

DIY Make Your Own Natural Acne Face Wash

Make Your Own Natural Acne Face Wash
I have always wanted to do this and this recipe I found on OM Times looks like the place I'm gonna start. If you try it, please let me know what you think. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Over 80 Natural cold and flu remedies

Yay! its cold and flu season/ Allergy season again!.....not really of course. But hey, cold and flu season seems like its never just during winter time. It happens every season change. I'm usually at a loss I don't quite understand if I have a cold or allergies or what anymore they all seem to blend together. 

Any who, here are a couple of links above and below to more than 80 different cold and flu remedies. I'm gonna try some myself since I've had this cold/allergy thingy I have for like that past week now. I gotta get rid of it. 

If you try anything and love it. Let me know. Get well soon!

10 Uses for Coconut Oil


Coconut oil has well over 100 uses. Its natural and beneficial in so many ways. Here are just 10 cool uses for coconut oil.

Swanson Vitamins

Friday, April 18, 2014

Beginning the Garden...


Now for me the title of this post has a lot of meanings in my life right now. But as far as gardens are concerned, well I'm definitely building one. We planted seeds about 5 days ago give or take a day or two maybe and the sprouting's have really taken off.

Unfortunately, In the morning I found a presumptuous snail eating away at my little lettuce sprouts and I took him off and put him away in the grass a good distance away from my sprouts.  A second after I relocated our snail visitor I saw an army of slugs just headed towards my plants. Ugh! Ew ew ew ew ew! Yes they are nature, yes it is normal, yes saying ew might make me seem like a wimp. I don't care, They are gross. I did not go smashing any ew that is not only gross and creepy but I would feel bad.....mostly its gross though....

So I relocated them with a stick. I was gentle. But....I spilled lines of salt all around the outside of my plant bed.....muahahahhahahahaha!!... Actually I'll still feel bad if they die from the salt. But!! I'm not eating slugs, I'm eating lettuce. Sooo....Excuse me but... my lettuces! Not yours lettuces Mr. Slug! MINE!

They seemed ok for the hold rest of the day after that. Not a snail or slug went anywhere near my plants. Then night fell and I saw some snails kinda in the area and made sure to relocate them. I don't quite no how else to save them from the emending doom of my protective salt circles. Yea maybe its doesn't make sense for me to try and save them...oh well I still tried. We will have to see what tomorrow brings. I hope the slugs and snails left everything alone.